Yes, it is true. I got tired of the limitations of flash MX, and soon I will have Flash 8 installed. So I will make the following games awesomer or remake them:
Sonic RPG Maze
Char's Adventure
Char's Adventure 2
Marble Zombie Massacre
Marble Zombies: Beginning
A JtHM Game
Skateboard Sam
Sonic RPG Maze 2
The following games are new games:
Sonic RPG Maze 2 (yes, it will be awesomer AND new)
Sprite Fight: Mario World
Char's Quest
Coin Battle: Super Charged
Coin Battle Origins
Sketch Pad
Cool now you can ignore the limitations and make you flashes better.
Also your adventure time icon is cool.Ive been into adventure time to so I made me an adventure time icon
Here is my
<a href=""> 326.gif</a>