First episode almost done! Just needs about a second more of animation, music and a little bit more voice acting of my part.
Here are the people who have offered to help me with the series:
Noir-Imp(voice of Emo Bear)
kecenii (voice of War)
NinjaofKonoha (voices of Pac-Rat and Safety)
Nolanswrath (voice of Raid K)
Komozu (voice of Smokey)
TheLeZar (voice of Pop-Tart)
masheenH3ad (music composer)
THEKRAIDSTER (Creator, writer, animator, voices of Scary, Bitey, TK, Crafty, The Perm)
Hey, I credited my self there!
So, as I was saying, the premier episode is almost done and should be done around next week.